Sunday, June 11, 2017

May 2017 USA

My sister and I
Ma soeur et moi.
Hello, I'm writing from Bozeman, Montana.
It's been just over 1 month since I've left Nyankunde to spend a few months in the US.  I'm signed up to take my oral boards in October of this year and then heading back at the end of this year/ beginning of next year.

In the mean time, I've been able to catch up with a lot of people, most of whom I haven't seen in over 3 years.  Thanks for sharing your time and life with me.

My nephew practicing his swing
for baseball.

Mon neveu practiqaunt son swing pour le baseball
My friend Tracy who I worked with in Flint during my training.
Mon amie Tracy avec qui je travaillais pendant ma formation.
Kimiko and I making cookies.
Kimiko et moi faisons les biscuits
Visiting an old family friend.
En visitant une anciene amie de la famille
The ladies in Cadillac.
Les dames de Cadillac.
Visiting my friend in Traverse City
En visitant mon amie à Traverse City.
Working in my sister's backyard.
En travaillant dan le jardin de ma soeur
Getting a little exercise on the sand dunes.
Un peu du sport sur les dunes de sables.
More baseball in the backyard.
Plus de baseball dans le arrière-cour
Mon frère
My brother
Going to the band concert to hear my friend's daughter play the clarinet.
En assistant le concert de bande de écouter la fille de mon ami.
On the lake.
Sur le lac.
Playing a game with grandma.
Mon neveu jeu avec sa grand-mère.
Seeing some friends in Minnesota.
En voyant des amis en Minnesota
Youth soccer with my friend in North Dakota.
Futbol de jeunesse avec mon ami en North Dakota.
My sister in front of the conservancy in Minneapolis.
Ma soeur devant la protection des plantes.
In the black hills of South Dakota.
Le vue des colline noir en Dakota de sud.
Bear marks in Yellowstone Park
Les marques des ours à Yellowstone