
The latest information found on-line about the hospital in Nyankunde (updated 2011)

Profile: CME, located in the northeast corner of the DRC, is a 130 bed acute regional hospital with surgical (30 beds), medical (30 beds), pediatric (30 beds) and maternity services (30 beds). There is a new 13 bed intensive care unit which is equipped with new and up to date equipment. The outpatient department sees an average of  40-60 patients each day. The hospital is currently staffed by six  Congolese general practitioners and six expatriate physicians (2 generalists, Ob/Gyn, general surgeon, pediatrician, pediatrician-internist).

Travel/Orientation: Fly by commercial air into Entebbe, Uganda. The following day fly via mission plane to Bunia, DRC, where you will be met by a hospital representative and driven approximately 90 minutes to the hospital.

Climate: Nyankunde is 3,500 feet in altitude and only one degree north of the equator. The temperature varies little throughout the year averaging 70-78 degrees. Rains are more frequent March to October.

Language: French is the official language and is spoken by all those who have been educated. Swahili is the trade language of the area and is spoken by everyone. The Congolese physicians and the OR staff understand some English.

Charting: French. The Congolese physicians are available to translate to patients who mainly speak Swahili, Lingala, or other local dialects.

Surgery: Surgeries are performed M-F averaging two to five surgeries per day, unless there is a visiting surgeon when the caseload increases. Many are C-sections with hernias a close second. Dressing and suturing are done by the surgical staff in the minor surgery room.  There are 3  operating rooms and a room for minor procedures and endoscopy. There are up to five scopes available, flexible with all the attachments.

Orthopedics: General orthopedic equipment. There are many orthopedic cases resulting from trauma including children falling out of trees, auto and motorcycle accidents. Occasional gunshot wounds.

Anesthesia: Many surgeries are done under regional anesthesia. General anesthesia using Ketalar (Ketamine) is all that is available at the present time. Training is needed for other types of general anesthesia.

Urology: The primary problems are urinary retention, urethral stricture, undescended testes, and some vesico-vaginal fistulas.

Radiology: Portable X-ray machine. There are three ultrasound machines.

Pathology: Specimens are sent to Bunia (a town 90 minutes away) and then to Canada where a pathologist evaluates them.

Teaching: The Congolese physicians are eager to learn, thus teaching in any area of medical practice is welcome.

Lab tests: A blood count, urine analysis, and stool examinations are the most common tests done. Blood typing and cross matching is done and transfusions are given when needed. HIV testing is routine. Chemistries are limited to blood sugar and some liver and kidney function tests. Cultures and sensitivities are available.

Pharmacy: The more common antibiotics are available. Narcotics are not generally available.

Common diseases: Malaria, anemia, parasitic infections, diabetes, typhoid fever, and pneumonia.

For More Information: Contact Elaine Graybeal by email (egraybeal@samaritan.org) or by phone at (828) 278-1605

Website: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/medical/mission-hospitals-cme-nyankunde-hospital-democratic-republic-of-congo/


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