Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 2014

November has been a pretty exciting month.

I spent 3 days in Louisville, KY at the GMHC (Global Mission Health Conference) conference.  It is specifically for people in the medical field interested in mission work at home or overseas.  I traveled with Tiffany, a third year medical student who is well spoken and motivated to do great things, and Brian, a third year internal medicine resident who is seeking God's direction as he is now thinking about going overseas.

I also started a job filling in for an Ob/Gyn at a hospital in northern Michigan.  I spend 2-3 days "on call", then I am able to go back home and spend time with friends and family.  It is an answer to prayer and I'm thankful to keep my skills up as I earn money to pay off my student loans.

My trusty flip phone finally died.  I know many of you are sad to see it go, but I was rooting for it to live until I left in January.  I did get a surprised look from the guy at Verizon when I asked him to transfer my contacts to my "new" phone...

This upgrade is great and I'm thankful my battery lasts more than 10 minutes and the back panel doesn't fall off.

I also got to celebrate birthdays with my sister and nephew and Thanksgiving with extended family.

I'm thankful for the time I've had to work, to relax, and to spend time with friends and family.  I hope to see more of you before I leave on January 8th.

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