Saturday, September 5, 2015

Maternity Latrine Progress

I have good internet right now and the ability to post more pictures.
The progress of the maternity ward is quite rapid....

The old latrine

The last of the old latrine building.

Septic tank foundation
 Being cemented in.
The water is for smoothing the cement, not for hydration.
Constructing the individual stalls

The outer wall

And, the progress continues.
They will be having an opening ceremony with the boy and his family who raised the money for the rest of the maternity project.  This will be October 12th.

All the walls in place

My friend Kimiko checking out the new stalls. 
Checking out the new roof.

Putting Tile in the stalls
The completed maternity ward (right) and the latrines (straight ahead).

The completed latrines:
4 showers
4 toilets
1 sink

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Maternity Ward Project DRC

Thanks to all of you!

I spoke about the maternity ward rehabilitation project in my last update.  I was finally able to upload some photos and will attempt to follow the progress as the project moves along.

I was able to raise more than the budgeted amount for the latrines.  And, I'm very thankful for your generosity.  The extra money will go towards purchasing a small fridge to store medications like oxytocin, buying supplies like gloves and suture, and a new sign for the maternity ward.

This is the post-partum area (after delivering a baby).
Beds are typically lined up in a row next to each other.

This room was the delivery room, but it will now be divided in
half for the delivery room and an operating room.

Building of 2 new private rooms.
There will be a total of 4 private rooms for up to 30 patients.

The outside wall of the private rooms looking into the post-partum area.
The building is a rectangle, so at the very end you can see the old delivery room.

The old latrine.

One of the old toilets.

My friend Kimiko, who is a general surgeon,
checking out the hole leading into the septic field.

The site of the new latrines will be just on the other side of the wall.
Me with two of the midwives (Salama and Rogeline).